Afinem les cordes

La Montse, mare de la nostra escola, ens ha portat tot d'instruments de corda. L'alumnat de 5è C ha pogut fer una classe pràctica amb violins, violoncels i guitarres i gaudir durant una hora el plae de tocar per primera vegada aquests instruments. L'activitat s'emmarca dins un projecte "String Band"  què l'associació Ribes Musica [...]

By |2021-04-17T08:57:45+02:0017 abril 2021||


Dear students, Let's prepare the reading contest!!! You already have your readings and during these two weeks we are going to listen to you. Pay attention to pronunciation and don't run. Don't hesitate!! Just prepare your text and believe in YOURSELVES!!!! Here you have the listening of the story: BLUE FINS by Sarah Axten [...]

By |2019-02-05T13:03:21+01:005 febrer 2019|, 5è-A, 5è-B|

Cantània: Recta final

S'acosta el gran dia i l'alumnat de 5è acabem de preparar les darreres cançons. Nens i nenes, aquí us deixo els enllaços per a què pugueu practicar a casa. Ànims, que esteu fent molt bona feina!

By |2018-05-11T15:54:41+02:008 maig 2018||

Postcards exchange

Dear families, during this second term we've done a postcard exchange with other schools from el Garraf. Last term it was for Christmas and now it has been for Carnival. Pupils from 5th grade talked and wrote about Carnival in their schools. The teachers prepared the exchange. In Miquel Utrillo, Laura the English teacher, made [...]

By |2018-03-19T13:37:06+01:0019 març 2018|, 5è-A, 5è-B, GEP|

Escola Els Costerets

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Carretera del Carç, 102
08810 Sant Pere de Ribes
Telèfon: 93 896 1001
Email: [email protected]
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